For this semester we live in Turku. Actually in Varrisuo, what is close to Turku, but not that special, so I will tell you something about Turku City.
Turku is located in south-west Finland and was the capital of Finland. There live around 175.000 people in the city, so it's quite small.
The most important place in the city is Kauppatori, or marketsquare. Here is the central busstation and the square is surrounded by shoppingmalls, restaurants, a theatre and ofcourse the nightclubs.
Turku is a real studentcity, there are two universities and a lot of colleges here, so that means a lot of students. Most students here have an overall and each overall has a different colour according to the study you follow. So for nursing you have a yellow one with red pockets, ofcourse we had to buy one. So when there is a event for students, the only thing you see in the city are students with their overall.

Turku is located at the Aura River, at she riversides there are a lot of restaurants and it's lovely to just walk there on a sunny day. Drink something on the boatrestaurants and enjoy the sun

Actually I expected to see a lot of old buildings here, but the first time in the city everything was quite modern. Turku has been burned down a few times, so that is why there are more modern building now.
A highlight from Turku is Turun linna, Turku Castle. Together with the Turku Cathedral, Turun tuomiokirkko, it is one of the oldest buildings still in use. Turku Castle is also the largest medieval surviving building and it stands at the banks of the Aura River.

The Turku Cathedral is considerd as the most important religious building of Finland. And it is one of the city's most recognizable symbols. The cathedral is also worth a visit.
Probably there are a lot more highlights of the city, but I still have to find them.
Puhua myöhemmin