woensdag 26 december 2018

Time to say goodbye

26 December 2018
Our suitcases are packed, our rooms are cleand and we are ready to leave. Tomorrow Aniek and I go back to the Netherlands, back to our home. Again packing was stressfull, just like 4 months ago when the days before we got here, we were struggling to fit everything in, but we did it and we are ready.
This time here in Finland was so amazing, I have learned a lot here and travelled a lot to the most wonderfull places. Places I would never go to, but now it was so easy to go. I enjoyed almost every minute that I've been here. I'm also really glad I did this journey together with my best travel buddy Aniek. Before we went to Finland she only was a friend from school, but now I can call her one of my best friends. We have been on so many adventures here and we always traveled together. She supported me in the days that were rough (when we had some mental breakdowns) and she has been there for me all this time. So Aniek if you read this, thank you so so so much for the wonderfull time here.
I'm so glad I took the chance to go abroad for my study and I would say to you if you have the chance to go abroad, do it! You can learn so much, meet amazing new people, make new friends, go on adventures etc.

Now I'm really looking forward to tomorrow, finally seeing my friends and family again and ofcourse to the delicious Dutch food we had to miss here in those 4 months.

Puhua myohemmin

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Time to say goodbye

26 December 2018 Our suitcases are packed, our rooms are cleand and we are ready to leave. Tomorrow Aniek and I go back to the Netherlands,...