woensdag 28 november 2018


Something you will see all over in Finland is Hesburger. It is like the mc donalds but than the Finnish version. There are a lot of Hesburgers here you can spot them almost everywhere. Ofcourse we needed to try it, so we did. But I have to admit I didn't really like it. It tasted exactly the same for me as mc donalds. So it is not really special, but it was nice to try it once.

Puhua myöhemmin

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Sinds wanneer hou jij niet van McDonalds...🤪

    1. Dat heb ik ook niet gezegd :P het lijkt alleen heel erg op elkaar hahaha


Time to say goodbye

26 December 2018 Our suitcases are packed, our rooms are cleand and we are ready to leave. Tomorrow Aniek and I go back to the Netherlands,...