zaterdag 8 december 2018

School in Turku

For me school here in Finland is almost done, I only have 2 exams left and than I'm done. I think I had school for about 1,5 month. Well school...? After my practice I was really excited to start school here, cause I thought I would learn a lot here. But it turned out to be a bit of a disappointment. We don't have to go to school that much, maybe once a week and other teachers told us that the class would be in Finnish so we could do other tasks and we didn't have to come to class. The lessons we could attend most of the time were nice and we could do a lot of things and get to know Finnish students. I also asked them if it is normal if they have one day of school in the week. And most of them said they most of the time have just one or two days of school and the other days they have a lot of self-study. That was a big difference for me. But because we didn't have to go to school that much, we could do a lot of fun stuff, so it has its adventages and disadventages.

Puhua myöhemmin

1 opmerking:

  1. Dat heb ik nog niet vaak gehoord, dat je teleurgesteld was, omdat je niet zo vaak naar school kon....😜😇🤓


Time to say goodbye

26 December 2018 Our suitcases are packed, our rooms are cleand and we are ready to leave. Tomorrow Aniek and I go back to the Netherlands,...