vrijdag 7 december 2018

Puhun Suomi? part 2

In one of my first blogs I wrote about talking Finnish or Suomi. I had a course in Finnish language so I learned a bit of Finnish words and we had a test last week that I past, so yes I can say a few words in Finnish.
The most important ones are
Moi, Hei, Moikka, Terve: all mean hello
Kiitos : thank you
mitä kuuluu : how are you?
minä olen Emma : I'm Emma
minä puhun Englantia, Hollantia ja vähän Suomea : I speak English, Dutch and a little bit Finnish
yksi kalja kiitos : one beer please, this one is very important for going out :)

So I can say a few little phrases, but understanding people is still hard and most of the time I can't. But it is fun that if you say to someone you don't speek Finnish in Finnish they will continue talking Finnish to you. Because of that I just always say it in English.

Puhua myöhemmin

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