So let's talk about the lunches. Here in Finland people eat twice a day a warm meal, one with lunch and one with dinner. And most of the time they already eat it around 11 a.m. The first time someone asked me if I already wanted lunch at 11 a.m was at my clinical practice. I was a bit suprised that he asked it so early, cause I didn't knew it was so common to have lunch around that time. They told in school that it was normal in schools to serve the lunch so early. But what I didn't know was that they also have lunch at work that early. I still have to get used to have lunch at that time, cause I'm more used to lunch around 12 o'clock or even a bit later. For me 11 a.m is more a time of a coffeebreak, but ofcourse here they also have other times for that. Or we can just say, they actually don't have a time for a coffeebreak, cause they just drink it all the time. Coffee is a big thing here in Finland, everyone loves it and it's part of people's life. A teacher told us in one of the first meetings, that her mom wakes up every night to drink a cup of coffee and then goes back to sleep. Well I think that is real dedication.
So for the Finns coffee is really important, they drink it with breakfast, at work, at meeting, when hanging out, on a date, at home just everywhere and all the time. An other fact about the coffeeculture here, It's rude to say no when someone offers you a cup of coffee. So I think some people will say I'm rude, cause I just don't like coffee. Maybe a good reason to learn to drink it ;)
Puhua myƶhemmin